Tag Archives: 95th National FFA Convention and Expo

National FFA Eastern Region Vice President Recaps on Year of Service

Mallory White, Eastern Region Vice President, recaps her year of service to the National FFA Organization. Over the year she went to twenty-eight new states including Texas one of her favorite states she visited. She shares more with Broadcast Intern … Continue reading

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2022-21 National FFA President Reflects on Year of Service

National FFA President, Cole Baerlocher, reflects on his year of service and the memories he made during it. He reviews the highlights of his year including a trip to the New Hampshire State FFA Convention where he was able to … Continue reading

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National FFA Secretary Reflects on Year of Service

Challenging FFA members no matter their background was one way Jackson Sylvester served the year as a National FFA Officer. The Delaware native saw many ways members lived to serve throughout traveling the nation. He shares more with Broadcast Desk … Continue reading

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National FFA Central Region Vice President Reflects on Year of Service

Meeting FFA members from across the nation, Cortney Zimmerman knew it was going to be a year of memories. The Wisconsin native faced some challenges this past year, but her advice for members is to just go for it. She … Continue reading

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