John Deere: Brand New 8RX Debuts at National FFA Convention

John Deere debuted its brand new 2020 8RX tractor at the 92nd National FFA Convention & Expo.

Aaron Ticknor is the large tractor marketing specialist with John Deere. He explains the features of the new tractor.

John Deere is a Platinum Sponsor of the National FFA Organization.

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“We don’t create agriculturists , we create good people ” – Isaac Valencia

Isaac Valencia ,California State Reporter, shares his story as an Ag teacher and some words of advice for those wanting to be in his position. Isaac is glad to be a part of the very first FFA Spanish Opening Ceremony.

Carissa Larry takes a dive into this interview with Isaac.

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FFA Experience Booth really is an Experience

Ambra Tennery joined Hannah Borg to share more about the FFA experience booth. This booth offers FFA members a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the history and the future of FFA.

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Rhode Island: It All Started Here

Although Rhode Island is the smallest state in America, Narragansett FFA member Ariana Seigh says it doesn’t stop them from creating a big impact in agriculture.

Narragansett FFA was selected to represent Rhode Island in the Hall of States display in the Indiana Convention Center. Seigh says their theme is ‘It All Started Here.’ 

Listen to her conversation with Alex Voichoskie.

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National FFA Foundation Board of Trustees Chair Lyle Orwig

Hannah Borg caught up with Lyle Orwig, National FFA Foundation’s Board of Trustees Chair. He gives an insightful look into the governance of National FFA.

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Delaware Grown: FFA Members Represent State’s Ag Industry

The Hall of States display in the Indiana Convention Center features exhibits from one chapter per state.

Delaware was represented by the Appoquinimink FFA Chapter. Chapter member Jessie Schweiger shares the idea behind her state’s display.

Alex Voichoskie reports.

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History being made at The FFA First Spanish Opening Ceremony : Miriam Alvarado

Miriam Alvarado tells us how she was introduced to the FFA and how her roots in agriculture run deeper than just her . Mariam strongly believes that the FFA has helped her realize that “the people around her will help make a change”.

Listen as Carissa Larry speaks to Mariam.

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Hawaii Represented at National FFA Convention

Hawaii State Officers What does Hawaii’s agriculture industry look like? Hawaii State Vice President Harvey Tagalicud and Hawaii State Secretary Hannah Diocares explain agriculture in the Aloha State.

Tagalicud says Hawaii’s agriculture industry is intertwined with its culture and history.

Listen to their conversation with Alex Voichoskie.

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Retiring Address: Layni LeBlanc

Listen to 2018-19 National FFA Secretary Layni LeBlanc’s retiring address…

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The first conducted FFA Spanish Opening Ceremony : Karla De La Cruz

Karla De La Cruz , State Treasurer of Wyoming, explains how she fell in love with agriculture and the atmosphere of the FFA . She says that she “has seen farmers struggle and that “they can be successful”. She explains her joy in being a part of history within the FFA Organization.

Listen here as Carissa Larry interviews Karla .

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