Grain Production—Placement Eric Kenneth Coddington—Wisconsin

EricKenneth Coddington of the Montello FFA Chapter in Wisconsin was able to take a tractor safety course and began operating machinery at age 12 on his family’s farm.
Today, he works as a farm manager and helps his father grow 1,400 acres of
corn, 200 acres of soybeans and 600 acres of soybeans.  He has developed an interest in corn research and completed a test pilot studying the effect of a split-application of
nitrogen—increasing yields from five to 25 bushels per acre.  Coddington is excited to obtain a degree in agronomy and use his education to apply new practices on his family’s
farm.  He is supported by parents Brian and Mary Coddington and FFA advisor Hannah Walsdorf.  This award is sponsored by CF Industries, Inc.

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