Inclusion, a Message for Past the National FFA Convention & Expo

What it takes to build a culture of belonging and inclusion was Keynote Speaker Corey Flourney’s message to FFA members, but it expands upon action for students to take past the annual National FFA Convention & Expo.

Flourney served as the National FFA organization’s first urban and African-American national president and now serves as the executive in residence for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) for the organization creating and moderating safe spaces for honest and practical dialogue around diversity and inclusion while challenging conventional wisdom and developing and delivering EDI training, tools and resources to FFA stakeholder groups. He is also the co-founder and principal of Creative Outreach Consulting.

Hear what Flourney’s message was to FFA members and how they can embrace it year-round in addition to more about his role with National FFA in an interview with Broadcast Desk Intern Michelle Stangler.

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