Noah Koth Named 2023 National Proficiency Winner in Specialty Crop Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement

Noah Koth of the North Huron FFA Chapter in Michigan helps farm 1,200 specialty crop acres of sugar beets and black turtle beans. He started working on the farm by driving the loader tractor to pick stones in the field. His responsibilities have increased and now include tillage, running the self-propelled sprayer, hauling water, mixing liquid fertilizer, and more. Koth is active in the repair and maintenance of the farm machinery and equipment, too. He is supported by his parents, Kelli and Donald, and his FFA advisors Joseph Ankley and Haley Talaski.

“If you really love what you’re doing, you’ll never work a day in your life,” Koth said. “That’s the beautiful part of agriculture.”

Hear more about Koth’s FFA story as he visits with Broadcast Desk Intern Hannah Whetstone.

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