2021 Small Animal Production and Care – Entrepreneurship/Placement Winner Ty Williams

Ty Williams of the Dawson FFA Chapter in Texas has a California breeding rabbit operation. He sells and exhibits market rabbits. Though he’s been showing rabbits since he was nine years old, he didn’t own his own operation until he took it over from his older brother. His cull rabbits are sold to a local USDA buyer who processes them for sale at Dallas-area farmers markets. He sells his market rabbits to livestock exhibitors across the state. Williams currently has 35 Californian does and nineteen Californian bucks. He has produced 66 litters for sale. He is supported by his mother, Tammy, and his FFA advisors, Kevin Leerskov and Michelle Sammon. Elanco Animal Health and Tractor Supply Company sponsor this proficiency.

He shares the details of his project with Broadcast Desk Intern, Lydia Johnson.

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