2021 Service-Learning – Entrepreneurship/Placement Winner Addy Stuever Battel

Addy Stuever Battel of the Cass City FFA Chapter in Michigan was twelve years old when her hometown lost its only grocery store, becoming a food desert. As a farm kid, she realized that while her freezer was full of meat, others were not as fortunate. She recruited three of her friends from FFA to raise fifty broiler chickens and a pig for a local food pantry. More than six years later, her organization, “Meating the Need for Our Village” is a nationally recognized hunger relief nonprofit with a $62,611 impact on the community. Stuever Battel is supported by her parents, Sue Stuever and Bob Battel, and her FFA advisors, Leigh Osentoski and Heather Middleton. CHS sponsors this proficiency.

She shares more with Broadcast Desk Intern Kailey Foster.

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