2016 Star in Agriscience Finalist – Taylor Shane Swinson

Star Finalists in AgriscienceFFA has always seemed to play a part in Taylor Swinson’s life. However, the resident of Sulphur Springs, Texas, said the minute she put on the blue corduroy jacket, she knew it was a calling.

With knowledge about livestock, she soon became involved with training market show lambs and agriscience experiments. As she worked on the family’s ranch, she developed a better understanding of genetics, selection and nutrition. Her love for the sheep industry as well as for scientific method has resulted in her interest in research and experiments evolving from the sheep industry.

Swinson’s first experiment was designed to see how effective feed supplements were. She then began to research the genetic side of the sheep industry. She used her research to determine whether or not it was safe to breed her buck with four of her ewes. In addition to genetic research, she has also researched nutrition and copper toxicity in sheep.

The Clarendon College student has also researched the idea of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. As a result of this research, she is interested in doing more research in the meat industry and one day working in communications as an advocate for food safety and security. Swinson is the daughter of Amber and Guy Norris. She is a member of the Sulphur Springs FFA Chapter, led by advisors
J.T. Luper, John Holland and Melissa Robbins.

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