Paul Larson of Wisconsin, Named NAAE Region III Outstanding Agriculture Teacher

The Region III Outstanding Agriculture Teacher is Paul Larson from Freedom High School in Freedom, Wisconsin.
Since becoming the agriculture teacher at Freedom High School in 1987, Paul has grown the program from fewer than 50 students to a thriving 200 students each year. He incorporates curriculum that includes a wide variety of topics to meet his students’ interests and five courses that fulfill science credits. Paul infuses his lessons with math, science, and language skills, and shows his students how the things they learn apply to real life.
Funding for the agriculture program, which includes a state-of-the art aquaculture facility, has been generated largely from the support of the community.
Paul recently became a National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador, a program he credits with changing his instructional style and re-invigorating his passion for teaching. His willingness to continue to grow professionally, as well as the importance he places on collaboration with stakeholders have been pillars to his success in the agriculture classroom.
Congratulations to Paul Larson for being selected as the NAAE Region III Outstanding Agriculture Teacher.

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