Jason Chester of North Carolina Named NAAE Region V Outstanding Agriculture Teacher

Jason Chester is one of three agriculture teachers at West Rowan  High School in Mt. Ulla, North Carolina. During his 11 years at West Rowan, he has developed the land lab to engage students in active learning.

Jason spends a great deal of time educating himself about both agricultural issues and the needs of the community. He makes monthly visits to local farms and works with the cooperative extension service and university research farms to better understand the needs of production agriculturalists in the area and upcoming technologies.

Each of Jason’s students conducts an agriculture project outside of the classroom. Incoming freshmen have the opportunity to go on a project tour, visiting older students’ projects and local agribusinesses to get a feel for what kind of project they might enjoy. Through their independent projects, students gain the opportunity to implement skills learned in the classroom and prepare for a future career.

Congratulations to Jason Chester, the NAAE Region V Outstanding Agriculture Teacher.

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