Session One Recap

The 84th National FFA Convention kicked off with a session that kept members and guests energized and impassioned. The National Officer reflected on the convention theme, “I Believe,” and the impact they hope it makes to FFA members.

National President, Riley Padgett from Oklahoma was the session chair and encouraged members to take advantages of the opportunities of the week.

The National FFA Band completed their grand entry and boasted representation from more than 30 state associations. The National FFA Choir displayed their musical talents and left the audience singing along to the fan favorites.

The new National FFA Advisor, Dr. Steven Brown, spoke about his journey through the FFA and shared some of his “beliefs” from along the way.

Finally, Dave Roever kept FFA members on the edge of their seats with stories from his tragic accident during the Vietnam War and gasped for breath from laughing at his childhood romance.

With session one underway, FFA members have much to reflect on as the week passes and much more to look forward to in the coming days.

Even Medvec, President of the Saline, Michigan FFA chapter spoke about some of the items he learned while attending session one.

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